When it comes to roofing, there are several things to consider. One of the most prevalent elements is the material you choose to work with. However, many people overlook the design possibilities presented once the material is selected. At Old Timers Slate Roofing, we provide customized roofing solutions to residential and commercial customers. Here, we take you inside two of our favorite designs – French tile roofing and Spanish tile roofing.
French Tile Roofing
As one of the most dimensional design options available in roofing, French tile roofing undoubtedly brings an eye-catching result. However, this style provides much more than aesthetics. The interlocking design creates one of the most durable and robust tiled roofing solutions on the market.
Spanish Tile Roofing
Resembling rows of overlapping waves, Spanish tile roofing is one of the most popular in regions with warmer climates. However, this style provides the ultimate protection against heavy rains, thus, making it one of the most desirable styles globally.
While you may desire a tiled roof, they are best suited for sharply sloped roofs. Another consideration is the structural integrity of the home. Slate tiles are among some of the heaviest, requiring extreme foundational durability. However, if your home qualifies, you can expect some of the highest levels of longevity possible, with little maintenance requirements!
Tile Roofing with Old Timers Slate Roofing
With decades of experience, the team at Old Timers Slate Roofing can help you achieve your roofing goals. Whether you prefer French tile roofing, slate roofing, copper roofing, or Spanish tile roofing, we have the expertise and resources to bring your visions to life.
For more information on customized, unique roofing solutions to make your property stand above the rest, contact Old Timers Slate Roofing today by calling 617-625-2191.